The New Year has begun and so has the thought process to implement all that has been swirling in my head for the past few days, so with much excitement I can put into action my new SMS Creative Photography Studio Opening Hours for 2019.
As I approach the 22nd anniversary, on 10th February, since opening the doors to my shiny and gleaming new business back in 1997 I am taking the time to change with the forever evolving 21st century and take the Bull (no, not the Bull Inn in Limpsfield) by the horns and make some positive changes to my work and personal life balance. For those that know me well my passion for work has taken up a huge amount of time with other areas taking a back seat.
With the last of my three adorable grown-up children fleeing the well-feathered nest last October and my last full-time junior employee leaving at the same time, to climb the ladder to his ever growing career, it’s also time for me to graduate too - not to pastures new because I’m not ready just yet to leave Oxted town but I am ready to expand my photographic path and explore new adventures which are forever presenting themselves.
By changing the studio hours it means I will be working away on location projects on the days the studio is closed and spending a bit more time investing in other areas during shorter studio hours.
We all know modern day technology means we can be in regular contact wherever we are in the world, so I can still connect with you and my regular blogs will keep you updated about forthcoming photo opportunities that I know many of you love, such as family photo-shoots amongst the bluebells and other spectacular locations including studio photo-shoots which will always continue.
As we witness the changes on High Streets nationwide including Oxted, the town I have grown to love personally and professionally, please continue to support your High Street and all the retailers who work tirelessly on their businesses to bring something new to you.
Whilst Oxted evolves with the demolition of the Gasometer to produce 111 new dwellings to welcome new blood to our town, I look forward to photographically documenting the process over the next two years so we don’t forget, with the blink of an eye, that life is evolving and we can share our social history with our children, and our children’s children.
I am forever grateful to my loyal staff, one of whom left over seven years ago to grow a family of her own and now works for me as an expert retoucher and finisher on a freelance basis.
I will be taking time out from the studio to celebrate the 22nd anniversary on an exciting overseas assignment, more about this to follow with dates to be confirmed, we won’t lose touch as I will keep you updated with the wonders of Instagram on @StellaSMS during the assignment.
From Friday 1st February the new studio opening hours are:
Tuesday to Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 3pm
Sunday and Monday Closed
Location appointments available outside these hours.
Thank you!
To read other previous blogs these can be found on the ‘Featured’ blogs below by using the arrows on the right to scroll through the past 30 blogs.